Monday, August 23, 2010

no specifications.

...i don't believe you, i never will..
i can't live by your side with those lies you tried to instill..
i can't take anymore, i don't have to give you a reason.
for leaving this time, cause this is my last goodbye..

it's like i hardly know you, like you've said ; maybe i never did..
it's like every emotion you showed me, you kept well hid.
& every true word you ever spoke, was really deceiving.
now i'm leaving this time, this is my last goodbye.

i've gotta turn & walk away,
i don't have anything left to say, haven't i already said before..
i've grown tired of being used.. & i'm sick and tired of being accused..
now, i'm walking away..

it has nothing to do with anyone that i'm like this... maybe this is the best way to describe.. idk..

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


he's someone i look up to..
i mean, pure example of how from ground zero, you can rise up
& be who you are & say what you have to say & never have to lie to yourself.. to overcome even the hardest & worst decision & mistakes ever made .. his music & works of art has affected me the way those stuffs only can -- by the way it hits a person's heart.
yeah, i am who i am right now due to this.. it's just inspirational.
maybe without discovering him i'd be in ruins a year ago..
this is the reason why i'd rather listen to something not mainstream..
because it's what music has been about ; not popularity or anything but to captivate people.. it has always been a way to touch people's heart..
& he's shown that even from ground zero, anybody & everybody can still rise up if they make the right decisions & choose their right path..
so thanks.
you guys search it up & check his music out ;
Aiden & William Control.
till then. ciaos (:

Thursday, August 12, 2010



well.. i'm ALIVE & KICKIN' . haha !
friends are awesome ! school's awesome ! everything's been great & i'm contented ! :D

i'm happy that things turned out well for me.. no regrets, no backtracking & regretting.
it's been ages since i hung out with my fellas yo , maybe sunday i'll hang out with em' or maybe just a few if most can't make it. (: simple hangout with booze or something ; socialising too. looking forward for workday & the weekends. i guess i'll stop work soon & let my BOOKS make ME THEIR BITCH ! all for results sake ! :D

thanks to those who has been there in a way or two. (:
appreciate you guys alot man ! ciaos.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

lately.. deadly

" just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. & just when you think it can't get any better, it can. because nothing that's worthwhile is ever easy. "

i realised that it's the simple dreams that are often more painful.. because they seem so personal.. so reasonable.. & so attainable.. but yet, it's so hard to be able hold it and that is enough to break your heart..

well.. i lived my life.. enjoyed most of it..
but right now, right at this moment.. i feel somewhat lost.. not because i regretted what i've said.. i feel this way because i don't know what's gonna happen now.. maybe talking to you would end up being history, which i don't wish for it to happen.. because it was always true that ; no matter how much the distance is, talking always seemed more real, close to first hand experience.. & that makes the gaps get closer than wider..

to be really honest ; all those times and moments that we've spent & shared, was the happiest & best time in my life.. without you, it's not possible to feel all these. thank you.

' i fell in love with you when we were together. then i fell deeper in love when we were apart. & i miss you dear love.. alot more than you thought i could. '