Thursday, April 8, 2010

vrooooooooom !

Hello there .
been like ages since i last posted something in my blog. been busy with school stuffs & music.
Let's talk about the things that you guys should know.
Lets Make It Fast ;


R'ship ; having you near me. holding you near me ,
i want you to stay and never go away
cause it just feels so right. :D
& ilysvm. it's been really greatt, the time we've spent love.=D

School ; it's been greatt so far this week, just the weather takes it's toll on almost everybody.
but with the usual people, life's hectic like every other day.
focusing & trying to study well.

Myself : been greatt. coughing up alot though. ):
hope everything's alrightt with my health. i've been having late nights, gotta try to sleep early. (:
taking my medication. changing my attitude towards schoolwork cause i aint wanna end up being a USELESS fella.damn rightt, i'm not gonna turn myself into one. i have alot to live for, alot on the line.. etc. & i'm gonna make it. & i aint gonna fail [:
& maybe i'd have to get a job for a month or two for my own expenses, then call it QUITS & say hello to EXAMS.

so there it goes[:
& ihaveagoodgoodgirlthat'sakeeper, like seriously.
& she's the better half of me.(: